Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bean Bag Torture!

Final animation for this semester is done! I put this bean bag through hell!

Kind of low quality, but you get the idea.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Bean Bag Walk Test

I made him move! It needs a little refinement, like a few more inbetweens added in some places.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Bean Bag Walk Studies

My final animation is a bean bag animation. I needed to get him to walk so I did some quick studies. Thought it would be fairly simple...wrong! I couldn't make his "legs" move right. And his top half was kind of going all over the place. I didn't want to see him at a side view either. I was silently wishing my paper was longer horizontally so I could keep drawing left to right...

I finally figured out something that might work with the last two bottom rows of drawings. I came up with a basic shape that would work for his "head" that could be repeated for every drawing, kind of like a rounded square. I also decided to have his feet get squished by his weight as he is pushing off the ground as he takes a stride.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Florist Hands


Those are my hands, at work.

Graphite and red colored pencil on 18x24 drawing paper. :)


Portrait of one of our models. Done in charcoal on 18x24 gray toned paper, then trimmed down slightly. This was done within two 2 hour class periods from a live model. It was one of the most interesting and fun drawings I've done.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Rooster Sketches

Have some Imperial Rooster sketches! These were done at Low Spirits. They are all very small and gestural cuz it was dark and everyone was moving around a lot! Pencil in sketchbook.

Figure Drawing 10/19/11

Here are a couple life drawings studies from this week. Both of these are charcoal in a 9x12 sketchbook

Monday, October 10, 2011

Fall Of Cybertron: The New Optimus Prime - Features - www.GameInformer.com

A neat look at Optimus' design for the new game next year.  

Fall Of Cybertron: The New Optimus Prime - Features - www.GameInformer.com

What I like about the characters in this game is the way things move on their bodies when they're just sitting there, idling. Makes it looks like they're flexing and stretching their muscles or something. And I like their glowy parts. It suggest bioluminescence and makes them look even more alive.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

New Blog and Hello

Greetings all,

Here's a new blog where I will post artwork of mine that revolves around animation, illustration, photography, and everything in between.  My pets might make appearances every now and then too. And who knows, maybe my children toys will drop by sometimes as well.