Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Bean Bag Walk Test

I made him move! It needs a little refinement, like a few more inbetweens added in some places.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Bean Bag Walk Studies

My final animation is a bean bag animation. I needed to get him to walk so I did some quick studies. Thought it would be fairly simple...wrong! I couldn't make his "legs" move right. And his top half was kind of going all over the place. I didn't want to see him at a side view either. I was silently wishing my paper was longer horizontally so I could keep drawing left to right...

I finally figured out something that might work with the last two bottom rows of drawings. I came up with a basic shape that would work for his "head" that could be repeated for every drawing, kind of like a rounded square. I also decided to have his feet get squished by his weight as he is pushing off the ground as he takes a stride.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Florist Hands


Those are my hands, at work.

Graphite and red colored pencil on 18x24 drawing paper. :)


Portrait of one of our models. Done in charcoal on 18x24 gray toned paper, then trimmed down slightly. This was done within two 2 hour class periods from a live model. It was one of the most interesting and fun drawings I've done.